January 9, 2010

Liar McLiarsons

I cannot stand when people lie to me.

A lie has many facets to it, but the one that really digs at my craw is that when you lie to me you are telling me TO MY FACE that you think that I am stupid. And, funny enough, I'm not stupid, and I sure do know that you are lying to me.

So, it is this incessant lying that is making me just want to spit. It is EVERYWHERE! WHY do people find it necessary to lie? Why is it not considered a big deal?

I have come to a point in my life where I never lie. I may have to keep my mouth shut more often now than I used to or be more creative such as when someone asks, "Did you like the cake I made you?" "Oh, that sure was some cake!" I'd reply. Or, "That must have taken you quite some time to make!" I'm not saying I didn't like the cake, I'm just not really answering the question...with a smile, of course.
UPDATE 1/12 My son accused me of lying when I changed my mind on something within the time frame of about 1 nanosecond. So, uh, is that really lying? If so, I misspoke when I said I never lie anymore. Or, rather, I lied.

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